Land Down Under v801

PHP/MySQL Website engine
Copyright Neocrome -
This guide updated : 2005-aug-26
Licences, copyrights and disclaimers
New installation
Upgrade from a v800
Upgrade from any older version
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Land Down Under is a CMS, a Content Management System.
It's a dumb machine, made of PHP files that reads and stores datas in a MySQL database, and sends those datas to clients as HTML pages, with the help of skin files (also called "templates").

The key features are :


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Licences, copyrights and disclaimers

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Important: Since version 500, LDU is not an open source software product anymore.


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Please see the history pages at LDU's home.

New installation

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  1. Get the latest Rar pack

    Download and extract the latest version from (and here only ! Any other distribution is illegal).

  2. Main configuration entries

    Open the file datas/config.php, and fill up parameters about your MySQL database.
    Do not change settings that you do not understand yet !
    Please notice that most of the request for technical support are caused by erroneous settings or typos in this area. So if get an error message saying that LDU or PHP cannot connect to the database, first check that the host name, database name, user name and password are ok. If you have a doubt, ask your hosting provider for the correct values.

  3. Upload files to your server

    LDU can manage an unlimited count of skins (HTML layouts), but one is usually enough.
    The default skin is set in /datas/config.php, by default it's "pandora".
    Do not upload the folder /docs, its not required by the engine.

  4. Allow file writing for some folders

    'CHMOD 777' folders (to allow files writing, do this with your FTP client) :

  5. Create the SQL database

    Open a MySQL remote manager (PHPmyAdmin is the most famous).
    Select your database, then in the tab 'SQL' create tables with the SQL script : docs/ldu-createnew-800.sql
    (With the button 'Browse', point to the location of the file on your computer, then run the script with 'Go')

  6. Create your account

    Open your home URL with a browser, select 'login', then 'register', to create your account, and once done, log-in.
    Note that the first user to register is automatically activated and assigned the highest level available (Server-op, 99).

  7. Install the extended plugins

    When logged-in, go to the administration panel, tab "extended plugins".
    Open all the extended plugins one by one, and at bottom, click "Install all".
    Note that if you're not planning on running old LDU plugins, then then installation of the plugin "Wrapper" is optional.

  8. It's done !

    Not working ?
    Bad luck, so restart from the beginning and follow the steps carefully, and if after this second try the result is the same, head for the LDU forums, there's several pinned topics about common pitfalls, issues and troubleshooting. Please put your website in your profile there, so the helpers can see the problem "live".

Upgrade from a v800

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  1. MySQL database upgrade

    Run /docs/ldu-upgrade-800-to-801.sql with phpMyAdmin to update the database.
    This will simply change the version number the "801" in the database, nothing else.

  2. Main files

    Replace the existing core files :
    OR if you made some changes in some core files, there's a list of the files that were updated since v800 here.
    You do NOT need to upload a new skin, you simply have to upgrade your own skin, see the instruction later in this manual.
    You do NOT need to replace files in /datas/, apart if told to later in this manual.
    You do NOT need to replace any of your existing plugins, apart if told to later in this manual.

  3. Images

    Upload the 9 images :

  4. Plugins

    Replace the files :

  5. Skins
  6. Language packs

    Added the word "Reset" in /system/lang/uk/main/main.lang.php.
    No other changes !
    Manuals about the creation of a fresh v801 lang pack or the upgrade from an older version are available at the LDU's home, in the section :
    Online Documentation > LDU > LDU manual > Localizations and language packs

  7. More informations

    History page

Upgrade from any older version

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You'll have to run all the SQL upgrade scripts from your version until the v800, those scripts are available online here.
Once done, upgrade your old skin, apply all the changes 1 by 1, the upgrade manuals are also available online here.
Note that for both the skin and the SQL database, you can directly skip the step between v603 and v604.
As sample, to upgrade from LDU v525 to LDU v701 :
525 --> 601 (SQL upgrade + upgrade of the core PHP files + skin upgrade)
601 --> 602 (SQL upgrade + upgrade of the core PHP files + skin upgrade)
602 --> 603 (SQL upgrade + upgrade of the core PHP files + skin upgrade)
603 --> 700 (SQL upgrade + upgrade of the core PHP files + skin upgrade)
700 --> 701 (SQL upgrade + upgrade of the core PHP files + skin upgrade)
701 --> 702 (SQL upgrade + upgrade of the core PHP files)
702 --> 800 (SQL upgrade + upgrade of the core PHP files + skin upgrade)
800 --> 801 (SQL upgrade + upgrade of the core PHP files + skin upgrade)
Upgrading a very old skin can be a long process, so you should consider the replacement by a fresh official skin...

Get more help...

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- Online manual, general configuration, FAQ, articles, etc.
- LDU forums, to meet other LDU webmasters, and technical support.
- Licence and services, to order specific LDU services and support Neocrome.Net

Feedback and comments are welcome in forums at
Please do not email or send private messages to request technical support, use forums instead !


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